
Practitioner Spotlight: Carla Moss, Health and Wellness Coach

Introducing Carla Moss, one of our passionate Health Coaches for our Transformational Group Coaching Programs! Carla Moss is a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, and a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach who has been health coaching since 2012. She is the founder of Being Well Aware, her functional medicine health coaching practice based in Berkeley, California. Through her practice, Carla coaches women navigating cardio-metabolic issues, gut issues, and autoimmune conditions, along with hormone imbalances such as PCOS, adrenal dysfunction, thyroid dysfunction, estrogen dominance, peri-menopause, and menopause.


Carla received her health coaching training and certification from The Functional Medicine Coaching Academy, a collaboration with The Institute for Functional Medicine, the Institute of Transformational Nutrition, and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. She also received specialty certifications in Hormone Health and Emotional Eating...

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The Transformational Program You MUST check out!

Creating and maintaining healthy habits is essential for physical, mental, and emotional health. Group coaching visits can be a great way to get support while establishing healthy habits that will stick with you in the long term. Group visits provide an opportunity to learn from other like-minded individuals in a safe and non-judgmental environment.


With Transformational Group Coaching Visits at TCLM, patients are provided with evidence-based lifestyle education and group support as they work to make meaningful lifestyle changes, such as adopting healthy eating habits, learning how to manage stress better, or improving sleep quality. The educational content has been designed by experts, health coaches, and medical providers. Group members have the opportunity to share their successes, struggles, and stories with one another; this helps to hold everyone accountable for their goals.


Group support also provides an opportunity to build relationships with individuals who...

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Group Coaching Programs are Changing the Way Medicine is Practiced

Transformational Group Coaching Programs are transforming disease prevention and improving chronic illness outcomes. We have seen within our medical care system, a huge need for community support, patient- driven care, health education, emotional support, and real time dedicated to attending to patient's needs concerns. Unfortunately, providers often do not have the tools and resources required to deliver such care and are unable to dedicate time required to listen to patients deep needs and address holistic aspects needed for healing. This involves addressing the physical, mental, and emotional facets of health that most healthcare practices are not equipped to deliver.

Most people who suffer from chronic illness have been through several different physicians, specialists, and facilities before ever receiving a diagnosis. Even when they know what illness they are facing, they often complain of receiving very little background information regarding the causes of their disease, and...

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Read this Before You Set Your New Years Weight Loss Resolution

We are only a couple of weeks into the New Year, but I would bet that many people have already quit on their goals or resolutions for this new chapter. We have been there... A new season begins, the realization of the post holiday weight gain sets in, and perfectionism often takes over. Setting high expectations when walking into a new year is common practice, especially for most of us here in the U.S., a very fast-paced, achievement-glorifying environment that often glorifies external success or looks. In the midst of all of the noise and competitiveness, it can be challenging to determine what you truly want, why you are seeking your goals, and thus how to make steps toward the life you want in a realistic, fulfilling, and doable manner.


This is where health coaching can make all the difference! A health coach can help create realistic goals, identify obstacles to weight loss and metabolic health, and help you establish a plan with strategies to overcome mental barriers....

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Why You Need Health Coaching

Why do we recommend health coaching for all of our patients? Most of us know what we need to do in order to improve our health, such as exercise, eating healthy foods, prioritizing sleep, and managing stress. There is so much research, resources, and loads of free information at our fingertips, yet metabolic syndrome, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disorders, and other chronic illnesses continue to be on the rise.


Our society's mental health as a whole seems to be struggling more than ever, especially after the pandemic. Because there are so many resources and educational content is endless, we do not believe that the chronic physical illness and mental health crisis is due to a lack of knowledge, but an inability to know how to put the tools in action and remain on the course.


Though most of us know what we should be doing, it's quite another thing to have the support and guidance to make it happen. Behavior change takes a tremendous amount of effort...

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